Jaguar Extreme

Jaguar Extreme

Explore the Pantanal

This 1-week safari takes you into the heart of the Pantanal in a carefully-crafted experience to maximize your vacation. The closest thing to an African safari in South America – with guaranteed, high-quality sightings of wild Jaguars and other exciting and rare wildlife supported by unique-to SouthWild features that ensure you get mouth-watering footage of the wildlife that you see. You will be traveling with the company that pioneered Jaguar tourism, the only firm to ever issue a Jaguar Guarantee, and the choice operator for the world’s top nature, photography, and luxury safari travel companies.
Focus Species


Group Size

6 Guests



Best time of Year

July to Oct.

Itinerary Highlights


Day 1
Arrive in Cuiabá
Welcome to the Pantanal!

Depart from Cuiabá by no later than 2:00 pm for a 3.5-hour drive to SouthWild Pantanal Lodge (“SWP”), the halfway point between civilization and the heart of Jaguarland. During your drive you will have plenty of opportunity to stop and admire the wildlife visible off the bridges and raised dirt park road known as the Transpantaneira.

First stop will be by the flooded area near the gateway to the Pantanal, an area rich with waterbird species and storks. Your guide will ensure you are on-track to arrive on-time to attempt an Ocelot Experience in the evening.

Day 2
Land and River Safari to Jaguarland
Into the heart Jaguarland!

You will have an opportunity to photograph wild Hyacinth Macaws that nest in a as you enjoy a boat ride into the heart of Jaguarland. On arrival you’ll settle into your room before enjoying lunch in a restaurant complete with panoramic views of the surrounding Pantanal riverscape.


After lunch it’s time to embark on your first River Safari in search of the elusive Jaguar on the riverbanks. After sundowners and a delicious dinner, you will enjoy an informative lecture lead by a Jaguar Naturalist.

Day 3, 4, and 5
Full Days in Jaguarland
Search for jaguars!

Wake up before sunrise to some hot coffee and breakfast in our panoramic restaurant to fuel up before the Jaguars wake. Set-off on your 4-hour morning River Safari to search for Jaguars and Giant Otters within Jaguarland.

Return before the sun reaches its peak in time to recoup and refuel with a delicious lunch or drink on the Rooftop Bar.

In the afternoon begin your second 4-hour safari which concludes at sunset. Return to the flotel for dinner and top-off your evening by joining us for a nightly science lectures on key Pantanal species such as the Jaguar, Giant Otter, Capybara, and Ocelot.

Day 6
River & Land Safari out of Jaguarland
Last night in the Pantanal.

Set off at 7:00 AM on a slow River Safari to see if you can find any last cats on your transfer southwest to Porto Jofre in time for your 8:00 AM road departure.

Enjoy lunch in the SouthWild Pantanal Lodge’s fully-screened, fresh-air restaurant. Explore the fauna-rich lodge grounds, cool off in our river-side pool, or take a siesta in one of the many hammocks hanging on the lodge’s wrap-around patio.

In the afternoon, set out on a 2-hour River Safari on the wildlife-rich Pixaim River. This small river is very serene and private: perfect for enjoying the wonders of a wildlife community that has been protected by SouthWild for over 18 years.

In the evening try once-again to see our Ocelots or try for the even more elusive Tapir on a Night Safari. On request, we can also arrange for a Canopy Tower Sundowner Surprise to take in the splendor of the Pixaim River on your last night in the Pantanal.

Day 7
Depart from Cuiabá
Departure day

Make the most of the sunrise by climbing the self-explore towers just outside the main lodge to capture the sunrise over the Pantanal. Enjoy breakfast in SouthWild Pantanal Lodge with your camera ready to go: a Toco Toucans may land on one of the nearby trees in search of fruits and insects.


Depart at 6:15-7:00 am in a closed, air-conditioned vehicle to arrive at 10:00 am or so to Cuiabá Airport, at which point your Jaguar Extreme has concluded and you are either heading back home, or on to your next adventure.


 Since 2017, a group will have an average of 14 sightings of Jaguars while in Jaguarland – at least 3 sightings lasting well over 30 minutes and being within 30-yards of the cat (A distance close enough to capture award-winning photographs and jaw-dropping footage with as small a camera as that on your cell-phone). 

In 2005, SouthWild premiered the “Jaguar Guarantee”, when we first pioneered Jaguar tourism. Despite their perfect record since 2010, the guarantee remains in place and is automatically extended to all of our clients: If you do not see a Jaguar during a 3-night, 4-day stay with SouthWild in Jaguarland, we will refund your trip cost with us.  

The outings themselves do not require much mobility as they take place in boats and vehicles. If you are able to walk up and down a staircase (the flotel is a two-story structure) and climb up and down a small ladder with little assistance, you will be able to enjoy the experience along with your tour group. We can provide additional assistance if climbing a one-story staircase, a ladder, or into a boat will be difficult or unfeasible, however we recommend booking a private departure to ensure the proper support can be put in place to maximize your enjoyment of the Pantanal.

Whatever you wish to shoot with! Our specialty is creating optimal conditions for everyone (long-lens photographers to cell phone documentarians) to get amazing footage to post, frame, or sell for years after a trip with us.

With enough time and with the flexibility to optimize your trip to get that sighting, we can guarantee a wide range of wildlife species. Jaguar Extreme focuses on Jaguars and the main stars of the Pantanal, so these Jag-oriented, fixed departure groups are not ideal for those who wish to focus on species other than Jaguars. If you wish to concentrate more on birds or some other star mammals such as Giant Otters, we recommend booking a Private Departure with other like-minded travelers.

Our menus are designed to satisfy the most adventures and also the most conservative pallets. Our buffets always consist of a salad-building station, rice and vegan, Brazilian style beans, vegan and gluten-free lentils, a vegan or vegetarian carbohydrate such as pasta or potato-dish, and one light and one dark meat dish. Additional cuisine will be available for variety, however you can count on us always having an option you like.

If none of the above would make you comfortable traveling, please let us know what we can arrange for you to eat during your trip. We accommodate kids going through a French-fries-only phase as well as those with dietary needs that can make traveling a bit complicated.

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